Today we are celebrating World Financial Planning Day😊 What’s the point of this you may well ask? It is all about raising awareness around the value of financial planning and having a well-structured financial plan in place by working with a competent, ethical financial planner. What we really do is help clients achieve a better […]
Mortgage Protection – All you need to know !
You will need Mortgage Protection if you are buying a home and taking out a mortgage. Like many people your mortgage will be your biggest financial liability. Your lender will stipulate that you have at least a basic Mortgage Protection plan in place before you draw down your loan. Mortgage Protection is a very affordable […]
2024 Paris Olympics comes to a end
And that’s a wrap with a spectacular closing ceremony at the 2024 Paris Olympics last night. We are so proud of Ireland’s 133 athletes who participated in the 2024 Olympics providing us with lots of entertainment over the last few weeks. What an achievement bringing home seven medals – four gold and three bronze. […]
Pieta House Jog 120 in July
We are proud to support this young man in his fundraising efforts for Pieta House. Darragh Custy has committed to jogging 4 km daily throughout the month of July thats 120 kms in total! Pieta are over 85% funded by the public, which means they rely on your generosity to help sustain their nationwide services! […]
Amazon is celebrating 30 years old this year !!
Amazon is 30 years old this year – on the 5th July to be exact ! Who would believe from its humble beginnings as an online bookshop founded in a garage in Seatle that it would become the fifth most valuable company in the world. Jeff Bezos, its founder, is now one of the top […]
Mortgage Relief Scheme
Have you claimed yours yet??? This temporary measure was announced earlier this year and is a once-off opportunity to assist borrowers with increasing interest rates. Taxpayers can claim tax relief at the standard rate of income tax on the increase in interest paid in 2023 over the interest paid in 2022. The outstanding mortgage balance […]
What does a Financial Planner do? Day 7 of 7!
So finally folks we have come to number 7. Hopefully, this has helped you understand more what a Financial Planner does?This list is not conclusive of course but we hope it has given you an understanding of how we help clients that engage with Lifestyle Financial Planning
What does a Financial Planner do? Day 6 of 7!
Life is NOT a dress rehearsal- this is it and it is NOW!We encourage our clients to live their best life when working through their Financial Plan!
What does a Financial Planner do? Day 5 of 7!
We incorporate your life goals into your financial plan, helping you create a ‘bucket-list’ with timescales so you can achieve your life ambitions. Life is a journey not a destination !Don’t wait until you retirement to enjoy life to the full!
What does a Financial Planner do? Day 4 of 7!
We help clients to understand the amount of investment return they need to maintain their desired lifestyle throughout their life. This may mean spending less now and investing for the future.We help clients to navigate the markets by putting investment strategies in place that are appropriate to you and align with your goals and aspirations.