In today’s challenging economic times, it is more important than ever to have a plan for your future. Especially since many people are struggling financially and don’t know how to get back on their feet. If you want to be prepared for the future, Cashflow Planning can help you figure out what your goals […]
Pensions with a Previous Employer | Do you know what to do?
You may recently have changed employers, lost your job or decided to set up on your own. Changing jobs a few times during your career is not uncommon. In a recent survey by Microsoft 41% of employees said they were considering a career change as a direct result of the pandemic. Changing jobs is […]
Can an Ethical Portfolio become Profitable ?
The concept of investing in an unethical company can put off many people who do not wish to support immoral practices. However, there are many ethical concerns which can be eliminated through careful research to ensure that the company is only using the funds for their intended purpose. Another standard currently rising in popularity […]
What could €5k invested today be worth in the long term? (Real client case study)
We recently came across a client that invested a lump sum of €6,348.69 (£5,000) in the summer of 1985 (that’s 36 years ago!). The client invested in a unit-linked fund which was primarily invested in equities (i.e. stocks and shares). They left their investment and didn’t need to take any withdrawals over the years. […]
The Cost of Free Education in Ireland
This week will have see the first day back at school for many of our children. Happy days you say, however those of us who have children in the education system in Ireland know that the cost of ‘free education’ has risen substantially over the last few years. It is estimated that […]
Insure Your Income? Why Bother?
Recently the government announced plans to phase in a new Statutory Sick Pay Scheme with employers being told to guarantee a minimum number of paid sick days annually from 2022. It is planned that employers will cover up to 10 days sick leave by 2025. A welcomed improvement for employees, but what happens if you […]
Never one to let a good opportunity go to waste !
Never one to let a good opportunity go to waste – Fiona used her time in Lockdown to get the head down and study Well done to her for obtaining the SIA designation (Specialist Investment Adviser) through Institute of Bankers (IOB) today, and getting the most for her clients in investment, asset and wealth management […]
4 Must-know Guidelines for Co-habiting Couples
In the census of 2016 there were over 152,302 co-habiting couples living in Ireland. Of those approx. 60% have children. The family unit is changing and evolving. It may be 2021 but most cohabitants still have very little rights under the law. What are your rights as a Co Habiting Couple? No matter […]
10 ways Cash Flow Planning will Improve your financial life and more
When it comes to savings and spending plans, we normally receive questions such as: Will I have enough money to stop working when I want to? Am I going to run out of money in later life or can I spend more now? Are my family going to be financially secure if I go […]
Why are women STILL under-insuring themselves?
Whilst it is increasingly acknowledged that there is a ‘pay gap’ for women, or there is a growing ‘pension gap’ for working women; there is another anomaly that has flown under the radar for many and that is the ‘protection gap’ for women. Due to the increased flexibility in working patterns we often reduce our […]