This week will have see the first day back at school for many of our children. Happy days you say, however those of us who have children in the education system in Ireland know that the cost of ‘free education’ has risen substantially over the last few years. It is estimated that […]
Insure Your Income? Why Bother?
Recently the government announced plans to phase in a new Statutory Sick Pay Scheme with employers being told to guarantee a minimum number of paid sick days annually from 2022. It is planned that employers will cover up to 10 days sick leave by 2025. A welcomed improvement for employees, but what happens if you […]
4 Must-know Guidelines for Co-habiting Couples
In the census of 2016 there were over 152,302 co-habiting couples living in Ireland. Of those approx. 60% have children. The family unit is changing and evolving. It may be 2021 but most cohabitants still have very little rights under the law. What are your rights as a Co Habiting Couple? No matter […]
10 ways Cash Flow Planning will Improve your financial life and more
When it comes to savings and spending plans, we normally receive questions such as: Will I have enough money to stop working when I want to? Am I going to run out of money in later life or can I spend more now? Are my family going to be financially secure if I go […]
Why are women STILL under-insuring themselves?
Whilst it is increasingly acknowledged that there is a ‘pay gap’ for women, or there is a growing ‘pension gap’ for working women; there is another anomaly that has flown under the radar for many and that is the ‘protection gap’ for women. Due to the increased flexibility in working patterns we often reduce our […]
Do you own a business with someone else? Do you know what happens to them if they die or get too sick to work?
Can you answer these questions in sequence?… 1. Do you own shares in your business? 2. Do you have personal life insurance/mortgage protection etc.? 3. Do you know what would happen to your shares or your fellow director(s) shares if they passed away tomorrow? If you answered, yes/yes/no….then you may have a problem, a problem […]
Our youngest intern ever !
What a lovely surprise – Emma called into see us today along with Deirdre’s husband Rob.